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This data portal is designed to present data on the electronic communications market in the Republic of Slovenia. 

Izbirnik sklopa kazalnikov
Izbirnik kazalnika
Izbirnik vrednosti
Izbirnik pogleda
The data was last refresh at: 23.09.2024

The charts and tables are provided for information purposes only. They are based on the data obtained through data collected quarterly and through other means. The penetration of individual services is calculated based on the data from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, specifically the number of residences from the census and EU-SILC, and the number of residents from officially published data for individual periods. Any discrepancies with the data from these charts and the tables from past periods are the result of data corrections submitted by operators. The Agency reserves the right do decide on the content of its reports.

The agency treats operator's data in the form of aggregated absolute numbers and absolute numbers of individual operators, as confidential and does not publish or disclose them to the interested public, except in the case of certain institutions determined in the first and third paragraphs of Article 266 by Electronic Communications Act (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 130/22 in 18/23 – ZDU-1O; ZEKom-2).

When supplying and using confidential data and information Agency must ensure that the level of confidentiality is maintained for all data which are marked as confidential by operators according to the Article 3 of the General legal act on the collection, use and access method to data and information (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 55/23).  

As Agency in various reports and analyses published relative shares, it would be possible that with the known aggregated absolute numbers, the individual data of operators could be disclosed.

Izbirnik prikaza grafa
Izbirnik prikaza grafa
Izbirnik prikaza grafa
There is no data available for selected period or data for the quarter / year is not displayed in the case of trend graphs:
Penetration of fixed broadband access by households SURS (EU-SILC)
2021/1Q 2021/2Q 2021/3Q 2021/4Q 2022/1Q 2022/2Q 2022/3Q 2022/4Q 2023/1Q 2023/2Q 2023/3Q 2023/4Q 2024/1Q 2024/2Q
Penetration of fixed broadband access by households SURS (Register-based Census from 2015) 85.44 85.75 85.64 82.61 82.88 83.04 83.19 83.34 83.36 83 82.80 82.82 82.77 82.78
Penetration of fixed broadband access by population SURS 33.41 33.56 33.52 33.68 33.82 33.90 33.92 33.95 33.85 33.70 33.57 33.54 33.51 33.50

One of the more significant indicators of the electronic communications market's development is broadband access penetration, calculated as the number of residential and business broadband connections per number of inhabitants or households in the Republic of Slovenia. 

Until the third quarter of 2012, the Agency calculated the penetration based on broadband internet access connections. As of 2012, the European Commission began requesting that regulators report the total number of broadband connections, and not only the internet access connections, and started using this data to calculate broadband access penetration.


The online link below provides a quarterly report on the development of the electronic communications market for the first quarter of 2019.


Agency for communication networks and services of the Republic of Slovenia
Stegne 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

T: 01 583 63 00
F: 01 511 11 01

Office hours:
from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 11 am.
Wednesday from 1 pm to 2 pm.

Office hours by phone:
from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 2 pm.

Free phone number: 080 27 35
every weekday between 9 am and 1 pm.

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