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Wholesale broadband access

In relation to carrier broadband access, the following charts are available:

Order providing broadband access to end users on the retail market operator can select from various regulated types of access on the  wholesale market, namely:
1. Bitstream access:
Bitstream access means that the infrastructure owner sets up a broadband access connection to end users, and then offers this connection also to other operators, so that they can in turn offer broadband access to their own end users.

2. Local loop unbundling – LLU:
Unbundled local loop access is a completely unbundled access to the local loop and shared access to the local loop, which does not require a change of ownership to the local loop. This allows the operators to offer high bit rate data services and/or voice services in the retail market, across the whole territory of the Republic of Slovenia. 

a. Full unbundled access: 
Full unbundled access to local loop means providing an operator with access to a local loop or local subloop of the incumbent operator, and allowing them to use the entire frequency range of a twisted cooper pair.

b. Shared unbundled access or shared access:
Shared access to local loop means providing an operator with access to the local loop or local subloop of an incumbent operator and allowing them to use the non-voice band of the frequency range of twisted copper pair, while the local loop is still used by the incumbent operator for providing public telephone services.

3. Access over unbundled fiber optics network:
Access over unbundled fiber optics network (fiber optics local loop unbundling) means the incumbent operator providing carrier access to certain network capabilities and their use, i.e. providing access to the fiber optics loop and other devices and capabilities required for providing electronic communications services. 

Operators can also construct their own access infrastructure
The type of access an operator selects depends on its investment capabilities. 

The objective of different regulated types of access is ensuring competition on the market, and consequently providing end users with better terms and more options in terms of the type, quality and price of service.

Agency for communication networks and services of the Republic of Slovenia
Stegne 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

T: 01 583 63 00
F: 01 511 11 01

Office hours:
from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 11 am.
Wednesday from 1 pm to 2 pm.

Office hours by phone:
from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 2 pm.

Free phone number: 080 27 35
every weekday between 9 am and 1 pm.

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