Mobile telephone services market
In relation to the mobile telephone services market, the following charts are available:
- Penetration of active mobile telephone services users in the total population
- Market shares of active mobile telephony users by operator
- Market shares of mobile subscribers by operator
- Market shares of pre-paid users by operator
- Market shares of originating voice traffic by mobile telephony operator
- Market shares of terminating voice traffic by mobile telephony operator
- Market shares of sent SMS by operator
- Market shares of sent MMS by operator
- Total number of mobile telephone number transactions
- Market shares of mobile telephony data services users over different mobile technologies
Modern lifestyle is increasingly dependent on mobile phones. Many people have a hard time even imagining a life without their phones and gadgets. In most cases households and end users themselves have more than one mobile phone. The range of services for mobile users is highly diverse, as it includes voice and data services, and messaging (SMS, MMS).
End users' now demand other mobile services besides voice calls and messaging, especially internet access. This has resulted in mobile communications leading the way in the introduction of new services.
Mobile network upgrades bring higher and more effective ways of sending and receiving email with large attachments, uploading files, downloading apps, games, films, music and other content, browsing the web, watching multimedia content, internet TV and similar, everything leading towards the underlying requirement to provide end users with a certain level of services that needs to be maintained, and to introduce new advanced services.
The mobile telephone services market is specific, as roaming across the European Union is regulated with the Regulation on roaming on public mobile telephone networks within the Community, which regulates the pricing of calls, SMS and MMS services, and data transfer, safeguards preventing excessive use, and similar.